• TurkishEnglishGermany

Bagfas Jetty




LAT    40d 23,0′ N   /   LONG   27d 54,5′ E


Bagfas loading terminal berth # 2 (Export Cargoes)
AA Draft at alongside 11 meters
BB Lenght of jetty 125 meters

(from each point of jetty to each mooring dolphin abt 40 meters)

Max acceptable loa 130 meters and 35.000 DWT

CC 24 hours unberthing services available
DD Loading by mobile crane/s
EE Loading rate abt 4/5000-mts in 24 hrs by loading arm agw/iwp
FF 7 days/ 24 hrs consecutive working including weekends
GG Restriction fm waterline to top of hatch coaming max 10 meters
HH Beam restriction 25 meters
II Preferable distance fm rail to hatches (side deck width) max 5 meters
JJ No acceptable longtitudinal division in the middle of the vsls and no acceptable twin hatches/holds
KK No accept side-rolling h/covers type vsls
LL Vsl has no any centreline bulkhead .Vls’s holds are free from any obstructions bodrum escort whatsoever


Bagfas terminal berth # 3
AA Draft at alongside 11,00 meters
BB Lenght of jetty 125 meters

(from each point of jetty to each mooring dolphin 60 meters)

Max acceptable loa 190-meters and 40.000 DWT

CC 24 hours unberthing services available
DD One movable gantry crane available on jetty / max capacity is 15 mts
EE Disch rate between 5.000-mts in 24 hrs iwp/agw
FF 7 days/ 24 hrs consecutive working is available including weekends
GG 24 hours unberth service available iwp/agw
HH All Cargo disch into factory own silos by conveyor belt line
JJ Bunker not available at Bandirma/Possible to supply fm Istanbul or Nemrut bay
II Port is open to NNE winds


Bagfas Ammonia disch terminal berth # 2
AA Draft at alongside 11 meters
BB Lenght of jetty 125 meters

(from each point of jetty to each mooring dolphin abt 40 meters)

Max acceptable loa 175 meters

CC Arm connection is 8 inc
DD Disch rate between 200 to 450 mts/hour
EE No hose facilities available at shore if any needed tankers should be kept ready on board 2 X 6 meters felxiable hoses
FF Height of arm connection fm the sea level abt 11 meters and lenght of arm abt 5,50 meters
GG Berthing permission for tankers in daylight, only


Bagfas Sulphuric acid disch terminal berth # 2
AA Draft at alongside 11 meters
BB Lenght of jetty 125 meters

(from each point of jetty to each mooring dolphin abt 40 meters)

Max acceptable loa 150 meters

CC Hose connection is 6 inc
DD Disch rate 200 mts/hour
EE No hose facilities available at shore if any needed tankers should be kept ready on board 2 X 6 meters felxiable hoses
FF Lenght of shore line fm jetty to shore tank abt 1 km
GG Berthing permission for tankers in daylight, only
1 Eylül 2022 190 Okunma